The World as I See It

Its about me, Bitch!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I turn 30 November 1st. wow. what amazes me most about turning 30 is how i always imagined it would be a much more glammed out event than its turning out to be. its really not a big deal after all. quite the anti climax. i look forward to my 30's because the only thing that keeps me going day to day is the thought that there MUST be something more in store for me than what my 20's have yielded. I'm ready to find out what that something is. ready to make that something come true. the only thing depressing about turning 30 is that i'm no where near where, what, and who i though i would be at 29. My 20's where one long blurry chaotic here's to the 30's, stability, good fortune, and at last...becoming less of a mess!! LET'S DO THIS DAMN THING!!


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