The World as I See It

Its about me, Bitch!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Today I've resolved to give up a few things.
FIRST, Tivo. For me, Tivo started out a harmless little marvel that allowed me to catch the show or two I couldn't make it home in time to catch. Now that I find myself with more and more free time, though, Tivo has become an addiction. This girl, Tivo, catches at least 5 hours of my favorite shows EVERYDAY!! Now that's just too much TV. Some days I get off work and start watching TV and do so till bedtime. From The View to Oprah, to Star Trek and Cosby Show in syndication, I don't wanna miss a damn thing. But I am however missing out on life. And that's something Tivo can't fix: Life cannot be paused, rewound, or fast-forwarded. Tonight, I'm shuttin that girl DOWN!!
SECOND: Internet porn--I won't elaborate.
THIRD: The news and newspapers. Since its become apparent that I'm the type of person who cannot easily shake negative energy, I've decided to avoid it altogether. No more talk of Katrina, or earthquakes, or floods, or homicides, or robberies, or sheisty and/or racist politicians, or the Pat Roberts' doomsday predictions(cause you know his ass recently said we were in our last days). I don't get it. Sure we've not been the best stewards of this home of ours--we've fucked up the earth, water, air, and soon space too--and sure we're killing ourselves off in droves, disease is taking us out by the millions, sure we're being battered by natural disaster after natural disaster. But that doesn't mean a thing, there have been plagues, genocides, natural disasters, and so on before. God gave us the ability to reason and invent ways to destroy the earth, so maybe he'll keep us around long enough figure out a way to fix it. THE WORLD IS NOT COMING TO AN END ANYTIME SOON. Times can't always be good, but they'll get better. Anyway, my point is, all this negativity weighs heavily on me and I find myself thinking about these things regularly throughout my day. That's not good, Gotta let it go. However, recent political stuff going on was what movitivated me to start this "journal", so what am i gonna fill this space with now? Hmmm....stay tuned.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I turn 30 November 1st. wow. what amazes me most about turning 30 is how i always imagined it would be a much more glammed out event than its turning out to be. its really not a big deal after all. quite the anti climax. i look forward to my 30's because the only thing that keeps me going day to day is the thought that there MUST be something more in store for me than what my 20's have yielded. I'm ready to find out what that something is. ready to make that something come true. the only thing depressing about turning 30 is that i'm no where near where, what, and who i though i would be at 29. My 20's where one long blurry chaotic here's to the 30's, stability, good fortune, and at last...becoming less of a mess!! LET'S DO THIS DAMN THING!!